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One of A Kind (and Oddball) Items

Hand-pulled proof (Spider Press Prints) souvenir cards

Very limited editions, usually 50 or so, hand-pulled on the "spider press" used for demonstrations at the various shows.  The cards are then raffled off with the winning names permitted to purchase one card, usually for $50.
No. Event Description Mint Cancelled
B 109A GENA 1987 State Shields (brown) 500.00 SOLD OUT
B 113A FUN 1988 State Shields (green) 350.00 SOLD OUT
B 117A ANA 1988 State Shields (blue) 350.00 SOLD OUT
B 123 FUN 1989 "Indian Mourning ..." vignette SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 128 IPMS 1989 "Agriculture" vignette SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 131 ANA 1989 "Signing of Decl. of Indep." vignette 400.00 SOLD OUT
B 134A FUN 1990 Eagle/cutters (brown) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 137A CSNS 1990 Eagle/cutters (blue) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 141A ANA 1990 Eagle/cutters (green) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 146A FUN 1991 "Freedom" (green) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 150A ANA 1991 "Freedom" (gray) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 154A FUN 1992 "Columbus" (blue) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 157A WCSE 1992 "Columbus" (red) 250.00 SOLD OUT
B 160A ANA 1992 "Columbus" (green) 250.00 SOLD OUT
B 166A FUN 1993 National Park vignettes 250.00 350.00
B 172A IPMS 1993 National Park vignettes SOLD OUT 350.00
B 174A ANA 1993 National Park vignettes SOLD OUT 350.00
B 180A FUN 1994 "Justice" (large scales) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 185A IPMS 1994 "Justice" (small scales) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
B 188A ANA 1994 PPIE diploma vignette 300.00 SOLD OUT
B 193A FUN 1995 Seated eagle (red-brown) 200.00 SOLD OUT
B 200A ANA 1995 Eagle and flag (blue) 200.00 SOLD OUT
B 204A FUN 1996 Gold Miners (black) 250.00 SOLD OUT
B 209A Olymphilex 1996 Gold Miners (green) 250.00 SOLD OUT
B 212A ANA 1996 Gold Miners (blue) 250.00 SOLD OUT
B 218 PACIFIC 97 Liberty and Sc. #1/#2 (brown) 300.00 SOLD OUT
SO 79A APS 1991 Penn Treaty with Indians SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
SO 82A ASDA 1991 New York Harbor vignette SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
SO 90A WCSE 1992 Columbus Monument 200.00 SOLD OUT
SO 105A APS 1992 Three 1893 Salvador stamps SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
SO 108A ASDA 1992 "Columbus" by Lozano 225.00 SOLD OUT
SO 119A APS 1993 1897 $1 Hawaii revenue stamp 200.00 250.00
SO 122A ASDA 1993 Three 1896 Hawaii Official stamps 200.00 250.00
SO 133A APS 1994 Benjamin Franklin portrait 200.00 250.00
SO 136A ASDA 1994 George Washington portrait SOLD OUT 250.00

"WANT LISTS" accepted on hand-pulled proofs.

Please let me know which one(s) you are looking for and I will try to scare them up!

ABNCo. "Certificate for Collectors" embossed cards

[very limited editions ... 25 of the SO62A and 20 each of the SO 138A/144A/146A/147A were produced]
No. Event Description Mint Cancelled
SO 62A FUN 1989 Face 1895 $5 Republic of Hawaii Gold Certif.
SO 138A ASDA 1995 1845 NYC Postmasters Provisional in green
SO 144A ANA Early Spring 1995 City Council of Brunswick, GA $1
SO 146A IPMS 1995 City Council of Brunswick, GA $2
SO 147A ANA 1995 City Council of Brunswick, GA $3


Bureau of Engraving and Printing "Duck" Souvenir Cards

No. Event Description Mint
BD 1 1987 Redhead Ducks mint, no stamp WANTED
BD 2 1988 Snow Goose mint card with $10.00 mint stamp 40.00
BD 3 1989 Lesser Scaup mint card, no stamp WANTED
BD 4 1990 Black-Bellied Whistling Duck mint card with $12.50 mint stamp WANTED
BD 5 1991 King Eiders mint card with $15.00 mint stamp WANTED
BD 6 1992 Spectacled Eider mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 40.00
BD 7 1993 Canvasbacks mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 40.00
BD 8 1994 Red-breasted Merganser mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 35.00
BD 9 1995 Mallards mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 35.00
BD 10 1996 Surf Scoter mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 35.00
BD 11 1997 Canada Goose mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 30.00
BD 12 1998 Barrow's Goldeneye mint card with $15.00 mint stamp 30.00
RD 1 First Regional issue, brown on parchment paper (RW1 background) mint 40.00
RD 2 Second Regional issue, blue on blue parchment paper (RW1 background) mint 90.00
RD 3 Third Regional issue, dark green on grey paper (RW1 background) mint 25.00
RD 4 Fourth Regional issue, brown on ivory paper (RW1 background) mint 25.00
ND 11a Stampshow 1992, black on yellow (RW59 background) FDShC 30.00


American Numismatic Associtaion Cards
(private cards produced by the ANA)

No. Event Description Image Mint Cancelled
ANA 1 Coole Library Dedication 1983 (Chinese CGU note attached) text
ANA 2 D-Day 40th Anniversary 1984 (various AMC notes attached) text
ANA 3 Bermuda Cruise 1985 (Bermuda $1 note attached) map
ANA 4 Paper Money Extravag. I 1985 (Continental currency repro)
ANA 5 Paper Money Extravag. II 1986 (Ming Dynasty note repro)
ANA 6 Bebee Currency Donation 1988 8.5" x 11" card showing scrip note
ANA 7 Bebee Currency Donation 1988 4" x 5.25" card showing scrip note
ANA 8 Million Dollar Nickel 1989 (embossed 1913 Liberty nickel)
ANA 9 Swedish Plate Money 1990 (embossed plate money)
ANA 10 World's Fair of Money 1991 Coins and Chicago skyline image
ANA 11 ANA Member Reception 1991 1891 1991 ($100 counter)
ANA 12 D-Day 50th Anniversary 1994 (various AMC notes attached)
ANA 13 V-E Day 50th Anniversary 1995 (various AMC notes attached)
ANA 14 V-J Day 50th Anniversary 1995 (various AMC notes attached)


Amer. Phil. Soc. Cards (private cards produced by the APS):

APS F2, F3 and F3a.....1975 Labels card and two varieties of 1975 Ohio Lung Assn. cards, all three untied ShC.....10.00
APS 1-21.....STaMpsHOW 1977 - 1997 souvenir cards, mint.....4.00 each
APS 1-21.....set of twenty-one mint cards, 1977 to 1997 inclusive....60.00
[Appraently now a complete set since the APS did not issue a card for STaMpsHOW 1998 in August 1998]

Overprinted cards:

Real Miscellaneous stuff: B. E. P. EXPO HANDKERCHIEFS (see SCJ Third Quarter 1996):
[One each of all the above nine handkerchiefs, a great "starter set" (only one available).....2200.00

"Doovas" cards:

These are BEP Portrait/Vignette cards privately overprinted by Bill Doovas during the BEP souvenir card slowdown 1977-1980:

European Paper Money Show notes

Beautiful multi-color intaglio mostly large-bank-note-sized sheets by various European security printer, issued as souvenir admission tickets to or giveaway souvenirs at various European paper money bourses.  The numbering system is from an old Russ Bell price list, I don't know if there is a more modern one or not.  If there is enough interest (i.e., orders), I'll try to purchase the more modern issues for inventory ...

(B-W) = Bradbury Wilkinson, (T-B) = AB Tumba Bruk, (TDLR) = Thomas De La Rue, (H) = Harrisons
Notes with similar designs are printed in different colors in addition to having different text/dates.

"White Ace" Supplies:    (prices effective June 2009)

Most USPS and UN cards use BC-2 mounts. Most early BEP and ABNCo cards use BC-6 mounts. Most later BEP and ABNCo cards use BC-9. NOTE NEW SIZES: BC-13 for 1988 State Shields proofs (B109/113/117), BC-14 for 1989 proofs (B122/127/130) and BC-15 for 1990 Eagle/ship proofs (B134/137/141). Please inquire if you have any particular questions about any of these products. By the way, I use these binders and mounts to display souvenir cards for sale at coin shows I attend. They're a tad expensive, but well worth the investment in terms of ease of display.

"Souvenir Card Collectors Society Numbering System for Forerunner and Modern Day Souvenir Cards", the standard reference on souvenir cards. 240+ pages, it gives detailed word descriptions of all BEP, USPS and ABNCo. cards (both forerunner and modern) from 1865 to 1989. It also lists in less detail APS, ASDA, ANA and UN emissions. Indispensable in looking up "neat stuff" found at flea markets, ephemera shows, etc. to find a scarce forerunner item. SORRY, now OUT OF PRINT and I have no more copies in stock. Rather outdated (for modern cards), and badly in need of updating (stay tuned for a future announcement in this regard!), but worth it's weight in gold to both serious and casual collectors.

"Mellone's Photo Encyclopedia of Souvenir Cards" by Howard C. Tiffner.  104 pages, cardcover (spiral-bound), illustrates all BEP, USPS and UN cards up through mid-1996,plus most SO cards and selected Forerunners.  Includes retail price estimates for mint, show-cancelled and CTO/VC-cancelled cards where appropriate.  An excellent "quick reference" to see what a card looks like versus reading the description in the SCCS catalog.  SORRY, now OUT OF PRINT and I have no more copies in stock.

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BEP souvenir cards 1969 - 1986  (B 1 - B 100)        Forerunner (IPPDS&EU, etc.) souvenir cards

BEP souvenir cards 1987 - date  (B 101 - date)         United Nations (UN) souvenir cards

Semi-Official souvenir cards (ABNCo. / etc.)           Handpulled proofs, Duck, ANA and Misc.

ABNCo. specimens / Archive Series / ephemera        Souvenir card "Buy List"

United States Postal Service (USPS) cards